
To read your notifications you need to



To become a member of Open Mall Kos, you need to register by entering your details and confirming your account through the automated email that will be sent to you.

You are responsible for the accuracy of the information you enter on the platform.

Open Mall Kos may use the information you have provided for statistical purposes or to improve existing services.

You can delete your account and all your data by going to your profile, selecting the “Delete Account” tab. There, you will need to enter your password and then click the “Delete Account” button.

Within each store, you can view the available products and add them to your shopping cart by clicking the “Add to Cart” button. Please note that you cannot add products from different stores to the same shopping cart.

Yes, of course. Under each product, there is an option to submit comments and rate the product.

There are some terms that should be followed when submitting a comment:

  •  It should not contain offensive content.
  • It should not be based on oral communications that may have occurred with the store, as they cannot be verified.
  • It should not be a reply to an existing comment.

Once the administrators are notified of your comment submission, they will check if the above terms are met and approve the comment for publication on the platform.